Compute external marker

Here we compute a marker that is not described [1] and combine it with the markers supported by nice.


[1]Engemann D.A.*, Raimondo F.*, King JR., Rohaut B., Louppe G., Faugeras F., Annen J., Cassol H., Gosseries O., Fernandez-Slezak D., Laureys S., Naccache L., Dehaene S. and Sitt J.D. (2018). Robust EEG-based cross-site and cross-protocol classification of states of consciousness. Brain. doi:10.1093/brain/awy251


Registering MyCustomMarker
Opening raw data file /Users/dengeman/github/nice/nice/tests/data/test_raw.fif...
    Read a total of 3 projection items:
        PCA-v1 (1 x 102)  idle
        PCA-v2 (1 x 102)  idle
        PCA-v3 (1 x 102)  idle
    Range : 25800 ... 40199 =     42.956 ...    66.930 secs
Current compensation grade : 0
7 matching events found
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Not setting metadata
3 projection items activated
Loading data for 7 events and 421 original time points ...
0 bad epochs dropped
Fitting nice/marker/PermutationEntropy/default
Filtering  at 8.34 Hz
Performing symbolic transformation
Fitting nice/marker/ContingentNegativeVariation/default
Fitting nice_custom_marker/marker/MyCustomMarker/default
Writing channel info to HDF5 file
Channel info already present in HDF5 file, will not be overwritten
Channel info already present in HDF5 file, will not be overwritten

# Author: Federico Raimondo <>

from collections import OrderedDict

from mne.externals.h5io import read_hdf5, write_hdf5
from import Info
from mne.utils import _TempDir

from nice.markers.base import BaseMarker
from nice.collection import register_marker_class

from nice.markers import ContingentNegativeVariation
from nice.markers import PermutationEntropy

from nice import Markers, read_markers

from nice.tests.test_collection import _get_data

class MyCustomMarker(BaseMarker):
    """A custom marker."""

    def __init__(self, tmin=None, tmax=None, param1=None, param2=None,
                 method_params=None, comment='default'):
        """Initialize things."""
        # Call super constructor
        BaseMarker.__init__(self, tmin=None, tmax=None, comment=comment)

        # Custom marker parameters
        if method_params is None:
            method_params = {}

        self.method_params = method_params
        self.param1 = param1
        self.param2 = param2

    # MANDATORY: Axis map
    def _axis_map(self):
        return OrderedDict([
            ('epochs', 0)
            ('channels', 1),
            ('times', 2)


    def _get_title(self):
        # MANDATORY: Override _get_title method to use the custom name
        return _get_title(self.__class__, self.comment)

    def _fit(self, epochs):
        # MANDATORY: Override _fit method to compute the marker
        data = epochs.get_data()
        # Compute something
        self.data_ = data ** 2

    def save(self, fname, overwrite=False):

        Save method should be overriden to use the
        custom title param.
        self._save_info(fname, overwrite=overwrite)
        save_vars = self._get_save_vars(exclude=['ch_info_'])
            title=_get_title(self.__class__, self.comment),
            overwrite=overwrite, slash='replace')

    def _read(cls, fname, comment='default'):
        # MANDATORY: Read method should be implemented
        return _read_my_marker(cls, fname=fname, comment=comment)

def _get_title(klass, comment):
    if issubclass(klass, BaseMarker):
        kind = 'marker'
        raise NotImplementedError('Oh no-- what is this?')
    # MANDATORY: Change the package of the title from nice to something else
    _title = '/'.join([
        'nice_custom_marker', kind, klass.__name__, comment])
    return _title

def _read_my_marker(klass, fname, comment='default'):
    # MANDATORY: This method should work for any marker as it is now.
    data = read_hdf5(fname,  _get_title(klass, comment), slash='replace')
    init_params = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if not k.endswith('_')}
    attrs = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if k.endswith('_')}
    file_info = read_hdf5(fname, title='nice/data/ch_info', slash='replace')
    if 'filename' in file_info:
    attrs['ch_info_'] = Info(file_info)
    out = klass(**init_params)
    for k, v in attrs.items():
        if k.endswith('_'):
            setattr(out, k, v)
    return out

# Resgister the marker to NICE

# Now you can create a collection with nice markers and the custom marker

markers_list = [

markers = Markers(markers_list)

# Fit on test data
epochs = _get_data()[:2]

# Save to a file
tmp = _TempDir()
tmp_fname = tmp + '/test-markers.hdf5'

# Read from file
markers2 = read_markers(tmp_fname)

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 5.547 seconds)

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